"Oh but granola requires SO MANY ingredients!" Hold the phone, no more excuses! 1 bowl, 4 ingredients, 30 minutes, and that's IT! This granola recipe is seriously life changing! It's clustery, crispy, salty, and sweet all in one bite! Stop spending tons of money on "healthy" granola with a million ingredients, when this tastes SO much better!

YIELD: 8 servings
TIME: 30 mins
- 2.5 cups rolled oats
- 1 cup nuts of choice (chopped)
- 2/3 cups almond butter
- 2/3 cups maple syrup
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a large mixing bowl mix together your oats, and chopped nuts, then set aside.
In a small saucepan combine your almond butter, and maple syrup over medium heat stirring until warm and a well combined mixture remains.
Pour your warm caramel sauce over the oat and nut mixture and mix once more until everything has been well incorporated.
Transfer your granola onto your prepared baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes flipping it halfway through.
Allow it time to cool completely before adding COMPLETELY OPTIONAL dark chocolate chips and pumpkin seeds. Break into clusters and store in a mason jar in the pantry.